Geo Green Power Limited

Geo Green Power Ltd (GGP) specialise in design, installation, and management of electricity generation and storage systems. GGP is the UK’s premier installer of 20kW-100kW solar PV systems in the agricultural and commercial sector. The renewable energy systems designed by GGP are installed in close association with the electricity distribution network operators around the country.  This requires specialist knowledge of the relevant network standards.

The company invests in renewable energy research, as well as the development of products and people to provide solutions for countries that suffer from energy poverty. GGP has a subsidiary, GGP Caribbean, which is exporting products that reduce the reliance on imported fossil fuels.


GGP works closely with research groups at the University of Nottingham and other institutions to design new systems that combine solar PV with other energy storage or conversion technologies and low-energy greenhouses.

Andrew Cunningham, the Managing Director of GGP, has a BEng in Electrical Engineering, and has spent most of his career creating and developing technology companies. Geo Green Power was created with the aim of understanding the research and development required for the UK to fully benefit from renewable energy opportunities.

Geo Green Power Limited

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