Solar Ready Limited

Solar Ready Ltd (SRL) has been working on a wide range of projects on HVAC design, heating, cooling, PV solar and energy storage. They have completed several projects on hybrid renewable energy system design and application, energy storage, solar energy harvesting, PV powered HP systems and low carbon buildings. Integral to their innovations is the ground breaking Power Storage Router storing electrical energy harvested from renewable sources, backed up by AC off-peak tariffs distributed to everyday devices.

They are actively implementing solar technologies internationally with several collaborators mainly in Gulf countries including Dubai and Kuwait. One of SRL’s areas of expertise is economic and environmental assessment of renewable energy technologies which has been applied in several case studies.

SRL has a wide range of experience on electronics, ICT tools, smart control and management of energy systems. Ray Luke, inventor and the founder of SRL has over 30 years of experience within a wide range of industries including PV systems, mechanical services, quantity surveying, TCP security and computing, renewable energy storage and release.


Solar Ready Limited

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