

Project Impact

The main impacts of Thin Film PV-VG are the following:

Economic Impact

The economies of the U.K and China could benefit from this new technology. The market potential for the proposed PV-VG is substantial as energy conservation, renewable energy and energy saving are set to play an increasing role in the building sectors.

Environmental Impact

Thin Film PV-VG can be used in both hot and cold climates. This new PV-VG is expected to reduce energy loss through building fabric by about 20% and therefore would assist in achieving the U.K’s and China’s Government target to minimize energy consumption and CO2 emissions.

Social Impacts

Architects across China will benefit from the use of a glazing system that greatly enhances energy capture and efficiency, thus sustainably providing greater comfort for occupants.

 SMEs will introduce the new Thin Film PV-VG technology to the market. This will lead to new jobs in the design, manufacturing, and installation processes. There will be further employment throughout the supply chain, including retrofit installers, window manufacturers, builders and developers.

 The owners and/or residents of retrofitted buildings are likely to benefit from reduced fuel bills and improved thermal comfort levels.

 The agricultural sector would significantly benefit from integrating Thin Film PV-VG in greenhouses.

 Any electricity generated could be exported to the main grid which would lead to a financial benefit.

Project Consortium Impact

The industry project partners will benefit from the project by developing a new product range and increasing knowledge sharing within the consortium. The academic participant will benefit by improving their research profile and gaining exposure to the commercial environment.

Public Impact

The project information will be published on the partners’ websites and in the media to raise the awareness of the benefits of the new technology. This could provide financial savings and environmental benefits for the public.

Academic Society Impact

New knowledge and experience concerning the application of PV-VG product will be gained. The conferences and seminars will provide a channel to share this knowledge within the academic society. This will provide an insight into potential areas for future research. It could also add value to the UK’s position in manufacturing such products in the global market

Project Work Packages